This template is PERFECT for party favors and treats.
The new parents have chosen a monkey motif for their nursery and the My Cute Stamps monkey from the Circus Animals set was the perfect touch for the top of this matchbox.
won't they be surprised?
I also wanted a way to open the matchbox “drawer” in a knob sort of fashion. In comes this perfect vintage button that is bent up on two edges! A button without bent edges would work just as well too. I actually stitched the button on with embroidery floss. The floss is tied on the backside of the drawer front and then the ends were taped for extra security.
Aren't our coordinating party items coming together nicely? I have a few other ideas rolling around in my head for this little monkey...we'll have to see if I can pull them off! :)
In the meantime, I mentioned I made my digital paper right?
First the inspiration from Babies R us...

As Kelleigh put it in her post I linked above, I am CLUELESS when it comes to digital anything and I don't have Photoshop on my computer. This just goes to show that even the clueless can make good digi things happen with a little creativity...and goodness knows we all have PLENTY of creativity! Feel free to ask me any questions about the digital stuff I do and I'll be happy to help if I can. :) Have a creative day and thanks for stopping by!
Digital paper: custom made using Microsoft Word 2007
Paper: Papertrey Ink and Georgia Pacific
Template: Matchbox by Kelleigh Ratzlaff
Stamps: My Cute Stamps
Punch: CM and SU!
Pens: Zig scroll and brush
Ribbon: Papertrey Ink
Other: button and embroidery floss
This is so cool, Dana! I really have to play around in Word to see how you do this. I'm still totally confused!!
♥♥love it♥♥ How stinkin' CUTE!!!!!
Dana, you are just rolling right along with this baby shower paper crafty creative goodness, now aren't you?! The matchbox is uber cute and that bent button is just the Perfect knob! Keep on having fun and creating away.....love it! :>
Love this box! What a cute ensemble you're creating!
Ohhh, goodness gracious! More hybrid goodness from the queen of WORD art! You AMAZE me, doll! This looks like such a fun project! You are REALLY somethin' fun... Like a barrel full o monkeys FUN! Oooooww! Ooow! EeeeT! Oooooww! Owww!
Total cuteness! I love this!
OMG Dana this is totally cute and your digi paper is AMAZING!!! I can't even imagine that right now and I DO have photoshop LOL.
LOVE the bent button - how perfect to make something special from what might look, at first glance, to be a reject!!! ROck on.
Oh my goodness! This is so fun! I love the whole set!
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