Woohooo! It's a raspberry suite challenge with Dawn McVey! I *heart* these colors and gleefully pulled out a gorgeous swatch of fabric by Amy Butler that my homegirl, Traci, gifted me. As I was dancing around my craft room waving my fabric (just kidding!) I was remembering {this post} by Cathe Holden about making kanzashi flowers. I found a great tutorial {here} so I thought I'd give the flowers a try.
the challenge:
my card:
Aren't these flowers pretty? OK, I am no kanzashi master but, these are fun to make and something new to try in the flower making department. I used 2"x 2" fabric squares to make each petal.
I used fabri-tac as the adhesive on this flower. Love that glue!
The dimension on these flowers is fabulous! Too fun! I will definitely try these again. Thanks so much for stopping by, I love your company!
Fabric: Amy Butler
Paper: Papertrey Ink
Stamps: Papertrey Ink
Ink: Papertrey Ink
Punch: SU!
Craft supply: embroidery floss, vintage button

How is IT.... that you have THAT fabric so perfectly matching to these colors!!!!????!!!! How, how, how!?! This is BREATH TAKING! Those FLOWERS!!!! Oh, my heck! Those are so elegant and CLASSIC and magnificent! What an excellent answer to the DAWN challenge call! Love it, love you, LOVE YOUR SHOW!
Fabric Flower?! Cute... that is the first hing that I thought was what is that made of?
I also ask you how, how, how??! just GORGEOUS! love everything about it!!
seriously your card could not be any prettier...I love it...thanks for the linkie on the flower...gotta add that to the long list of "to try"...
Beautiful card Dana!! I love it! That flower rocks!!
Love the flower idea, I'll have to try it. Might be a way to use my fabric stash now that I'm consumed with card making! Really like the clean style of this card.
Love your flower and after watching the tutorial i love it even more. YOu must have a lot of patience.
Wow, those flowers are so amazing! But, I think Elise said it best!! Going to have to check out that tutorial. What a cool card!!
What a funky flower and great dimension and texture. Way to rock Dawn's color combo.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
wow, pretty flower, it's so different. great job!!
OH, I LOVE the fabric! Amy Butler is my favorite! :) That flower looks amazing! You should submit your card over at the challenge at CARDS blog! :)
This is so gorgeous! I would chose it for the spotlight! Perfect flower!
WOW!! Awesome flower, love your card so much:)
Great card!! Love the flower!
your flower is perfect! I love your card.
Fantastic. LOVE that flower!
this is over the top WOW! that's what I said out loud when I saw your card...it's perfection! The petals are amazing and the sentiment so suits the simplicity...congrats early on the Spotlight! I'm sure I'll see this card in a thumbnail next week ;)
What?! You're "just kidding" about dancing around your {fabulous} craft space with that sweet & perfect fabric??!! I had a whole "Mama Mia" scene singing and dancing in my head....
....but, I digress....
YES! Those flowers Are perfect and they Are wonderfully dimensional and Yes, the make for a really Special card, a la You! :>:>
What a neat idea. I have some fabric remnants that I don't want to discard because the pattern is too cute. Now I know what I'll be doing for next few... Thanks for sharing. You card is simple yet classy :)
This is sooo pretty!
Gorgeous card! Absolutely love the flower. TFS the tutorial to make the flowers - I may have to give this a try!
OMG! I LOVE the flower! The fabric is so pretty you should have been dancing! GREAT card!
CAS cards are my favorite, and this one is exceptional! Thank you for the tutorial link. :)
After watching a Kanzashi video, I have to edit my above comment. Not so simple, but still clean and exceptional! :)
Wow, this is stunning. One of my favourites.
Beautiful! Wow, love this.
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