To all my favorite moms who inspire, teach, cheer on the sidelines, wipe noses, drive on field trips, go gushy at handmade gifts, exhibit patience and kindness, who guide and share their knowledge with their own kids and mine, are card carrying members of the mama-razzi photography club, who stay up late to make that last minute costume or batch of cookies, and finally to those who have blazed motherhood trails before me and those who blaze them alongside of me......THANK YOU! and have a happy Mother's Day!
Don't forget to check out these great hops and get a chance to win fab prizes...
Want2Scrap Hop
Polkadot door Hop

You ARE the BEST, sweet Dana G! It's WONDERFUL to be on this journey with YOU! Have a beautiful day! xoxoxo!
Happy Mother's Day~
Dana, this card makes me think of my childhood. I am still the mom in the neighborhood that bakes the cookies.
Hello Dana,
Great post, I especially like the part about the Mom’s “who have blazed motherhood trails” before us and with us now. Hope that your Mother’s Day was amazing!
Smiles, Paula
Hope you, one of the best Mamas I know, had a wonderful Mama Day! You most certainly deserve it! :>
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